MH Austin
Nazrul Islam, MPH, MD
MH Austin
Nazrul Islam, MPH, MD
Psychiatry: Select Health Insurances and Self Pay
For questions, requests, directions, or instructions we encourage you to email (as opposed to calling) us. We also encourage you to confirm your visit via returning our text or email. Live phone services are not offered.
Voicemails are checked only 3 times daily.
Text*: (512) 553-1979 - Existing patients only
Email*: ClinicalStaff@mhaustin.com
Voice Mail*: (512) 371-7905 - Checked at intervals daily
Fax*: (512) 371-9866 - Documents only
(*Monitored between 9:00 AM through 5:00 PM, Mon - Fri** only)
Physical Address:
1500 W. 38th St., Suite 31
Austin, TX 78731
Mailing Address:
PO Box: 300597
Austin, TX 78703
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM and 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM (*unless you have been assigned an appointment outside this range). On Fridays, the lobby may close at 4:00 PM.
Hours may change and in case of unforeseen delays if you have an appointment we will attempt to notify you by TEXT, Email, or by Phone.
Upcoming days, we are closed (periodically updated):
- Memorial Day: Monday, May 27
- Independence Day: Monday, July 4th
- Labor Day: Monday, September 5th
- Thanksgiving break: November 23, 24 and 25
- Christmas break: December 23rd through January 3rd
Refills or consultations are not available when we are closed, after hours, holidays and weekends. Please plan ahead.